Jurgen Steeman
how it once started
To have a little more background about who you are dealing with.
Back in the days. Education
After high school, HTS civil engineering, internship in South Africa. Philosophy at Erasmus, postdoctoral at the RUG.
Work. Experience up to 2000
Trainee position with a national contractor. Manager at consultancy firm. Independent in 1989. In between, head of project management at the Government Buildings Agency in The Hague. Complex logistics assignment at Schiphol airport, 7 yrs.
Present. My mission
From 2000 as a change manager, I examined the part played by attitude and behavior in change processes and developed the GoldenBox change method. How people work together. What goes wrong in our mutual communication. I would like to make an effort to improve this unnecessary loss of effort on our part. I believe that being human is becoming more and more essential in our highly algorithm controlled proffesional life. I guess that has always been the case.
Also an ordinary person

Jurgen Steeman
In 1996, after transferring my logistics assignment at NV Airport Schiphol, I encountered myself enormously, both business and private, one crash in one weekend. After that I radically changed my course.
I studied Western philosophy (1996) at the Eramus and Eastern philosophy at the Utrecht University both one year. Walked to Santiago de Compostela 1997. I completed a postdoctoral in Change Management (1999). Followed trainings in the US, DE, EN and BE. Started my change management practice in 2000. Eventually also given training in German, French and English. Even (only) once for Chinese entreponeurs in Beijing (2008). PhD research at Neijenrode (2012, 1 year). I wrote a book about change management around culture, attitude and behavior in 2014. Everything I’ve learned I want to pass on.